Daily Archives: March 30, 2012

Trying other milks

Despite the dairy industry’s efforts to dissuade us, lately I’m finding myself intrigued by some of the alternate white-ish milk-like beverages on the market in such plenitude right about now.

I’ve tried soy milk and honestly it doesn’t do anything for me. I love coconut, so coconut milk is just awesomeness in my book.  Problem is, it’s pretty high cal and high fat–good fat, coconut oil is great stuff, especially in its natural form, but I’m still about mumblemurph lbs overweight and don’t need to make things any worse in that regard. Almond milk, though–it’s fairly low in calories and it tastes pretty yummy…

So then I see these recipes for making your own of some of these various milks particularly the two I actually like..now this is right up my alley.

So…any of you guys tried any of these? Making your own? Is it worth it? Does it save any money? Does the end result taste better? I’m curious…